The Problem with Fame

ESPN just released their World Fame 100 list and… something feels wrong about it. Seeing Lebron James at number seemed… so wrong. Don’t get me wrong, Lebron James is an incredibly successful man, who works hard and should be recognized for over a decade of excellence. The problem is, I don’t think he is.

I think list is nearly a perfect mixture of what ESPN’s list and what the real list would look like. But this is the problem with fame and fortune; it’s a lot more about perception than anything else. One would hope that the people on the list and their egos aren’t inflated or deflated as a result of their placement, but I’m sure that’s not the case for all of them.

This isn’t about breaking down this list and making claims that international athletes like Federer, Nadal, Bolt and Messi need to be in the top 5. This isn’t about saying certain sports are more important than others, comparing ethnicities or even gender equality. This is about perception; it’s about the perception of others and how you allow that to impact how you perceive yourself… and others.

You can use something like this to work harder and improve, but remember, the best way to measure that growth isn’t necessarily by seeing if you’ve moved up on someone else’s list. Focus on yourself. But yes, for what it’s worth, my list would be very different from this list.

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